Upgrading Is Not Usually The Best Way Out.

Am 15. Januar, 2011 von Zap Hinterlasse eine Antwort »

It has become very difficult to make a qualitative upgrade of a computer at home, because today you need a power for the computer to work with those programs that you need, but tomorrow new programs that you will also need will come. So should you do upgrade of your computer every week?

A year ago in all publications related to computer repair it was written that the upgrade should be done every two – three years.. Under these conditions, your computer will always remain modern and work with any programs that have appeared on the market. Now this time period is shortened to at least the year. If you do not upgrade it for a year then work on it will be simply impossible.

In some cases it is better to change the computer completely, than to do an upgrade. On money modernization can get slightly cheaper, but on subsequent returnsa new computer, Na sicher, will work better. If your system allows you to do a gradual upgrade, so there is a reason for the upgrade. If your computer requires a replacement of several components simultaneously, it is better to sell the old and add a bit of money to buy a new PC.

On the present stage of development of computer technology there is a transition from single core to multi-core system, which requires the replacement of one of the most expensive parts of a computerthe motherboard. Suppose your old computer is the processor Intel Pentium S775 3.0 Ghz and you decide to upgrade it. In this case, you can buy a motherboard for Intel Core 2 Duo and put there your own processor, RAM, video cardAnd then as far as possible to acquire more powerful components and upgrade the system. And it must start with the RAM, dann – the video card. Plus, by the end of the upgrade will need to purchase a more powerful PSU.

If you have a lower class processor than the Intel Pentium S775 3.0 Ghz, it is better to sell its entire CPU unit, add the money and buy a little desktop with a dual-core processor. And AMD does not have such a transition. That is, in any case, you have to take stasis motherboard and processor, which immediately require the replacement of the PSU.

To do upgrade of your computer without replacing the processor is useless. The same Intel Pentium S775 3.0 Ghz gives its maximum power at the amount of RAM in the system of 512 Mb. Put you at least 4 Gb, computer will not work better.

Conclusions. Now the world of computer technology, a transition to multicore systems, which led to the need of expensive upgrades of computer. The best way out of this situation is to buy a new PC

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