Archive for the ‘accounting-finance’ 범주

구글 안 드 로이드 인수와 함께 자란 있다

August 22nd, 2011

One of Wall Street’s most consistent tendencies through the years has been for companies that have reached a certain size to buy other companies in an attempt to goose their growth. The old saying goes that when you can’t get better, you get bigger. It makes sense. Rapidly-growing companies can book impressive year-over-year numbers while they are still small, but it becomes increasingly difficult to post double-digit gains in sales and earnings once you’ve become a billion-dollar enterprise. Looking outside your own business to major competitors (i.e. buying growth through increased market share) or to companies that are related but tangential to one’s own (i.e. buying vendors, partners, customers, etc.) are the two most common ways in which this is done. » Read more: 구글 안 드 로이드 인수와 함께 자란 있다

Accountants Direct- Guaranteeing The Financial Stability Of Your Slowly Developing Company

March 11th, 2011

To a lot of people, the concept of facing your taxes is pretty much equal to a life full of debt (notice how that same term sounds like “death”). 하지만, there are persons who spend their time doing this, with utter delight. They find satisfaction in trying to figure the calculations and figures for payroll and coming up with a few tax decisions that may help make the most of the returns of an individual. When you’re operating a business, it’s highly vital to look for an accountant who can take care of your finances and the perfect accountant comes with a few things to consider. » Read more: Accountants Direct- Guaranteeing The Financial Stability Of Your Slowly Developing Company