Boom In The Internet Video Ads.

12月3rd, 2010 由 Zap 发表评论 »

News sites are becoming much less resemble journals and rather moretelevision. and allocate for the video the best place on the pages, often pushing users to watch the ad before reading. Even the Wall Street Journal has accentuated in its player and two newscasts live daily.

The common reason of such behavior, certainly, is money and advertising. If in all other categories of ads the budgets are minified, video advertising is booming. News sites append more videos to catch rapidly growing demands of advertisers and make more profit.

Interest in the video reflects the alterations in the perception of news by consumers. Important, whether it is presidential elections or the demise of Michael Jackson, significantly increase the number of video browsing, and every time someone from new visitors becomes a regular visitor of the site.

Every significant event makes the video more popular than earlier” – said Charles W. Tillinghast, president of, a joint company of NBC Universal and Microsoft.

General Manager Mr. K.C. Estenson commented the situation more circumstantially: “Now people use the Internet otherwise. Broadband access has become more widespread and more and more websites with video become accessible, so that people already wait that it will be video on the site.

According to comScore, the websites of magazines The New York Times, Gannett and Tribune attain a million views of video streams every month. 在这种情况下, news sites are only responsible for a small share of the 25 billion video streams accounted by comScore monthly. According to records, in September in the categorynews and informationit turned out 500 million video views. The largest players in this segment were (162,000,000) and (148,000,000).

But even if we look aside the news sites, nowadays video is the fastest growing segment of online ads. According to figures from Interactive Advertising Bureau, in the first half of 2010 digital video has yielded $ 477 million of income that is on 38% more than during the analogous period. Dominant in the market is search advertising with the number of $ 5 billion over the first half of 2010, but increase of this segment is comparatively small.

Analysts expect that in future the tendency of influx of money in the segment of video ads on the Internet will continue. Research firm eMarketer suggests an increase in the segment by 35% -45% every year over the next five years and achievement of the mark of $ 5.2 billion in 2014 (though the search advertising will not be bypassed by video, the projected number for 2014 for search advertising – $ 16 亿元).

In its prediction for the next five years, eMarketer say that video advertising will become thebasic channelwhich will enlarge the costs of major advertisers.

Often we come across the situation when we would like to present goods, 产品或服务. While thinking of the best way to do that, I would advise to take advantage of internet videos. 视频演示文稿已经证明其有效性. 因此, if you are interested in this, check out this internet videos sitethere you can find all the info required. Online network has already become a huge advertisement market helping to increase sales. That’s why make use of internet videos whenever you need to present your goods or even simply to explain anything to your customers.



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