现在有多少人拥有自己的网站或博客,这真是太疯狂了,这让我大吃一惊. 在过去的几年里,网页设计一直是我的爱好, 我喜欢现在有这么多人可以和我讨论出版. 尽管大多数讨论都倾向于谈论如何增加网站流量以及如何提高网站排名, 我喜欢提出用户交互的话题. 毕竟, 拥有高质量的内容只会让您在影响访问者留下来方面走得更远. 我在我的网站上包含一些交互性的方法之一是实现一点 JavaScript.
JavaScript is a scripting programming language most commonly used to add interactive features and webpages. 只是, JavaScript allows you to manipulate what you put into your web page. Just imagine a web page that only uses HTML. It would just look like a plain written document. You wouldn’t even be able to go to the next page. But if you use JavaScript on your web page, you would be able to alter any of the objects on your site in any way that you would like.
所以, what else do you gain from using JavaScript in HTML code? JavaScript would improve the site’s visual displays and effects. Some of the effects may include:
1. User’s time on page
2. Popups and tooltips
3. Collapsing text
4. Page timeout
5. Color changes and fades
6. Fontsizing and fades
7. Ultimate fader
8. Embedded audio
9. Print page/element
10. Scrolling banners
11. Flying text
12. News scroller
13. Automated popups
14. Image transitions
15. Toggle buttons
16. Drop Down Menu Bars
17. Slideshows
答案是肯定的, these are just some simple examples of what can be achieved using JavaScript, but the language’s limits are really based upon the designer’s willingness and capability of scripting. In my opinion, it’s well worth the time it takes to learn and implement JavaScript into your websites because if you are creative about using it, visitors may be influenced in exploring your site for a while. JavaScript not only has access to HTML objects, it also gives access to browser and platform-specific objects like browser plug-ins. JavaScript also grants client-side user form validation. If JavaScript is available, an initial validation of the website’s client can be done to check for simple errors such as missing information or non-numeric characters mistakenly typed in a non-numeric field. This Produces faster feedback than having to wait for a response from the server.
Overall, JavaScript is a powerful scripting language that’s capable of a lot. I highly recommend considering learning and implementing a little JavaScript to help your site stand out from others. JavaScript may be exactly what you’ve been searching for as you work to get your site listed on google page one!