Perspectives Of Development Of Video Ads .

12 月 5 日, 2010 由 Zap 发表评论 »

According to experts, online video advertising will be one of the most popular forms of ads in the near future. This is facilitated by increasing the spread of broadband Internet access and cost reduction of tariffs. The main benefits of video advertising on the Internet are: effect of newness, interactivity and big target-ability.

The response in the online video ads is higher than in traditional banner advertising. Approximately 60% of users after watching video advertising undertake any consumer actions.

There are a few types of video advertising on the Internet:

In-Banner Videodemonstration of video in a banner ad of a conventional size. It is the most common format of video ads.

Pre-rolldemonstration of the advertising video before the main video content that the user intends to watch.

Post-rollvideo demonstration after the main video content, which the user has looked through. It is supposed a more effective format than the Pre-Roll, as it is less irritating for users. Response, usually, is in several times higher than at the Pre-roll format.

Video contextvideo demonstration in the scope of content pages of the site (when hovering the mouse on a keyword with a hyperlink, the video is demonstrated). There is also another option of video contextdemonstration of text and graphic blocks over the video content. But this variant is quite controversial, because can annoy the Internet users.

Video advertising can be demonstrated automatically after loading the page of the site or at any user’s operation (hover or click).


Location Targeting;

Limit of the frequency of display advertising to a single user;

Targeting by categories (channels);

In some systems it is accessible targets: on providers, on content pages.

This kind of advertising is so popular that profile organizations release their recommendations about the standardization of this type of advertising functioning.

What extent is this type of ads more efficient than others, existing online to?

This type of advertising is the most resemble to television ads and advertising in movie theaters. Video advertisingis a good tool for the creation of attitude toward the brand. Furthermore, video ads, as a rule, contact with the user for a longer time, have a stronger emotional effect and are usually better remembered. In contrast to TV advertising, video ads are more accurate. 例如, you can count very precisely the number of users who watched a movie, or show the video only to users of a definite region.

What are the drawbacks of this kind of advertising? The main drawback of this kind of advertisingis that the user need to download a much larger volume of traffic than usual when displaying banners.

What are the perspectives of growth of this segment in the near future? With the development of the Internet the bandwidth increases, therefore it becomes more and more users that are able to watch the video ads. I consider this type of advertising has the most optimistic prospects.

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